Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom cover
Trang chủ games Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom

Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom

bởi SW (Bá)

09 September 2002




Start with a plot of land by the Yang-Tze and end with the Earth’s mightiest empire. Help your people thrive. Discover new technologies. Set taxes, control trade, raise huge armies. Invade other cities and make them yours. Decorate. Do you have what it takes to build the Great Wall? Will you remember to honor your ancestors? Your throne awaits!

Cấu hình để chơi game Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom

Windows: XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 10

Processor: 1.8 GHz

Memory: 512MB RAM (1 GB recommended)

Graphics: 3D graphics card compatible with DirectX 7 (compatible with DirectX 9 recommended)

Storage: 1GB available space

Mouse, Keyboard

Mua bản quyền game Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom

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Mục này chỉ dành để nhận xétđánh giá. Vui lòng bạn sử dụng mục Bình luận hoặc Diễn đàn để thảo luận, hỏi đáp, yêu cầu hoặc báo lỗi
